Sunday evening. What does that mean to you? Does it invoke feelings of hope or dread? Maybe, like me, you’ve experienced both.
It’s the end of the weekend and Monday morning is just one short sleep away.
I’m thankful for Sundays. God knew we would need to hit the re set button regularly and so He gave us this day and called it the Sabbath. Even though He never gets tired, after He created the world and everything in it..He rested…as an example to us…the ones He “made in His image”. It reminds me of when we do something don’t need to in order to show our children something that is good for THEM. We lead by example and that’s what God was doing.
This is an unusual Sunday evening for me. As I peer into this week, what I see has the potential to make my knees buckle. I am doing the main and final part of the packing for our move across the country. I’ve never moved that far before, so I know there are pieces that I have no idea I’m walking into. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Then there are hormones. This is ahem….MY week. I’ll be 50 this year and even my own mother says, “You are STILL having those?”. Yes, Mom. Yes, I am. It’s one of the few things in life I can actually count on. There will come a day…probably soon, when that will change, but for now, “she” is a very regular visitor. She’s getting old and cranky and doesn’t seem to give a hoot that I don’t have the patience to deal with her in the midst of a life changing move..and yet, she will still arrive, like an unwelcome auntie, throwing the door open and making herself known.
Now if I ponder the ramifications of what I just wrote and nothing else, I’d pretty much be doomed, but I’m not…and I’m not.
Maybe you have your own knee buckling week ahead of you? I have a question for both of us:
Have we forgotten? Do we remember? Remember that we are redeemed…redeemed from allowing fear to have a voice in our heads and hearts. We are loved with an everlasting love..a PERFECT love..and perfect love casts OUT fear! (I John 4:18) Fear has to do with punishment and we are no longer under punishment (the law) which means we are no longer under the authority of the Enemy.
The Enemy steals, kills and destroys, but Jesus gives life and gives it MORE abundantly! We can choose to let him have a voice in our lives or NOT. If Jesus wasn’t our Savior we wouldn’t have a choice, but we do! He says we already have everything we need to defeat the Enemy. We are no longer slaves to fear. Instead we are daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! His love is full and perfect toward us.
If you are having a hard time imagining that, take a minute to stop and think about anyone in your lifetime that showed you the most love you have ever known and then multiply that exponentially. That still wouldn’t completely reveal the love God has for us. It’s REAL. It’s very personal. We are incredibly valuable to Him. NEVER NEVER forget that.
Receive it. Walk in it. Rejoice in it. Relish in it. It’s all yours.