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The Most Powerful Parenting Tool

I was leafing through an old journal of mine and ran across a piece of paper from years ago.  It was a list of things to pray for concerning our kids.  I’m not a huge fan of using the same list forever…I feel like I need to change things up to keep my heart engaged in my prayer life, so I will often re-write my prayer list. But I am so glad I ran across this one again.

Parenting day in and day out can often feel tedious and it’s easy to lose perspective.  But a prayer list like this does wonders to remind us again of the big picture.  Things like the fact that someday our kids will most likely meet and marry someone and that someone will become part of our family and have a great impact on our child’s life and our grandchildren’s lives.  We are engaged in a daily battle for our children’s souls with a very real and deceptive enemy who would love to lead them astray and I believe it’s the heartfelt prayers of  their parents that reaches the ears of God most effectively.   We love these kids from the depths of our being, BUT we cannot force them to serve God.  It is HE who works in the deepest places of their hearts to make them tender toward Him.  There were so many times that we had NO clue how to handle a situation with our kids’ hearts and it was not our fabulous parenting skills or wise words, but desperate, helpless, humble prayers that made all the difference in the world and I believe changed the direction of our kids’ hearts.

So I want to share this precious list with you and I pray that it blesses you and your family!

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