(*Contains Aff. Link)
I wanted to take a minute to thank you for being here. I know there are a million other things you could be doing and other voices you could choose to listen to. I consider it a privilege that you find something valuable in what I share with you and I want you to know that I think of you EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I think about the magnitude of what you are doing…raising the next generation for the Lord in a world that is becoming increasingly dark.. That may sound lofty, but it’s absolutely true. You see, the Enemy would love nothing more than to convince you that all the little things you pay attention to and invest in everyday are really not worth anything, but the truth is that the little things end up being the BIG things!
Five of our kids are grown and I am getting feedback from them which really helps confirm my perspective that comes with hindsight. My desire is to share those things with you so that you can remain steadfast and focused on what REALLY matters because I’m telling you, you will blink and these days will be gone. It’s so true that, “The days are long, but the years are short.”
At night, when our heads hit the pillow, we need KNOW in our gut that we have done well and that our efforts mean something, but first we have to learn to take time to quiet the voices that send us into a whirling dervish and land us in a hot mess. We have to unhurry our hearts, search for wisdom and listen for that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. We have to take care of our mom hearts…Proverbs 4:23 says:
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life
One of the BEST ways to do that is to slow down long enough to be reminded regularly of the big picture..what is it that we really believe God has for us, our marriages and our families?
This is where I pray fervently that God will use me in your life. Titus 2 talks about older women teaching the younger women and though I still don’t think of myself as an “older” woman, the truth is that I do have 26 years of parenting and 20+ years of homeschooling behind me. Most of all God has been incredibly faithful to disciple me through these years and though I haven’t always been a star student, His grace has been my saving grace. It will be yours too!
It’s important to use the means that will best reach the next generation of moms, so I’ve started making short videos to share along with my posts so you can choose to just listen while you are your hands are busy because I KNOW they most likely are! I plan to publish one per week, more if God gives me the message and means!
Raising kids is an awesome responsibility and privilege! I want to give you both inspiration and practical tools so that you can make the investment of a lifetime into the lives of your kids, while at the same time LOVING and ENJOYING these years with them! God has GOOD things for your family!
I hope that you will continue to stay subscribed as I share with you some things I believe are absolutely essential to raising kids who will hopefully grow up to love and serve God and have a huge influence for the kingdom in this next generation!