It’s been awhile since I posted! I have had lots of family dynamics going on and, as much as I love to write, real life relationships come first and sometimes take up all of my time and energy. So thank you for being patient. The good part is that when I write, it’s for REAL. I’m not making this stuff up. And my goal is to write as God leads, not write just to be saying something. We know there’s already enough of that out there!
We are excited to let you know that we now have a new grandson!! He is sweet and wonderful in every way! I spent two weeks walking through that process with the family. It was way more challenging than I anticipated and, honestly, if I had remembered to watch this video over and over again, it would have been helpful! I recorded it just before I had to walk through it! Shocker, right? God has a sense of humor!
I plan to write about the challenges I mentioned and what God revealed to me in all of it, but honestly, I just don’t have the words today. I know that when they do come, it will be good for me to write them and I pray that it will bless you in deep and meaningful ways. That is always my prayer: that God would somehow use me to bring truth, freedom and joy. I love that He can take what I say and, by His Spirit, inspire and strengthen you. It is a privilege to be part of that.
I leave you with this 3 minute video, but like any good nana, I can’t leave without showing a picture of our handsome little Nathaniel (Nate)Titus Parr, 7lb 6 oz, 20 in born on September 26th.
Celebrating Isaac’s First Birthday